Reasons Why Orthotics Are Good for Children

Athletes aren’t the only ones who should consider getting Vancouver orthotics. Children may also benefit from this non-invasive, corrective treatment.

Here are some reasons why orthotics in Vancouver BC may be beneficial for children:

  1. Can correct foot positions that are deemed abnormal

Many children suffer from abnormal foot positions that can affect the way they walk or run and can also be carried out into adulthood. While shoe inserts can be purchased, orthotics are a more viable treatment because they are proven to be beneficial in correcting foot positions.

  1. Can help reduce the likelihood of surgery for children with metatarsus adductus

Metatarsus Adductus is a condition that usually requires surgery or bracing. Early intervention and use of orthotics may reduce the chances of your child getting that surgery or brace.

  1. Can improve gait, which can also boost self-confidence

An abnormal stride or gait also afflicts many children. It diminishes self-confidence because children may get teased because of it. Not having a correct gait or stride may also hamper running or jumping, which may also cause pain in your child’s lower extremities.

  1. May help children with flatfoot

Much has been said about the benefits of orthotics in treating conditions like a flatfoot.

It’s important to consult with an orthotics expert such as Burnaby Orthopaedic& Mastectomy Clinic about foot orthotics for children before getting one for your child. There are many considerations to think through such as your child’s underlying problem, weight, height and level of physical activity. Go for a consultation first and get a doctor’s approval.

Custom Foot orthotics

To know more about Custom foot Orthotics in Vancouver . Please visit our website:

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Overcoming Runner’s Knee – Helpful Tips to Consider

Orthotics VancouverAnterior Knee Pain, also known as Runner’s Knee, is arguably the most common type of running-related injury. This accounts for 20% of the reported running injuries. Symptoms include pain felt just below the kneecap that becomes more intense while the sufferer runs and can linger after running. This is hard to diagnose because when examined through medical technologies such as MRI and X-Ray, no physical abnormalities are present.

Here are some tips on how to overcome runner’s knees:

  1. Try knee braces in Vancouver.

Knee braces in Vancouver have shown great results in treating many knee-related injuries and diseases. It can help reduce the workload of your knees and may also help improve activity levels. You can get off-the-rack knee braces or have it custom-made to fit your size and preferences with the aid of clinics like Burnaby Orthopaedic & Mastectomy clinic.

  1. Strengthen your hip area.

Most sufferers of runner’s knee have weak external rotators and abductors in the hip area. The thighs compensate for the weakness of the hips, which will then affect the way you position your foot when running.

  1. Switch to a more supportive pair of running shoes.

The less impact your lower extremities receive when you run, the more you can keep the symptoms of this condition at bay.

If the pain is present, you can try taking anti-inflammatory medications to ease the pain. Also make sure you apply an ice pack on the area to mitigate the inflammation. Allow yourself to heal properly before running again.

To know more please visit our website:

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Comfort Tips in Wearing Knee Braces

When getting knee braces in Vancouver, make sure it has the right fit. Nothing can make you feel comfortable wearing Knee Braces In Vancouver if it’s ill-fitting in the first place. This is why it is important to go to reputable clinics such as Burnaby Orthopaedic & Mastectomy to find the right size and fit of knee braces.

To increase your comfort while wearing the knee brace, here are some of the things you should do:

  1. Wear the brace at a proper length.

It is ideal to wear it at thigh level. This will make sure your thighs can still do their function without being impeded by a brace.

  1. Make sure the straps are fastened correctly.

Check to see if the straps are loose or if the fastening is too tight.

  1. If it’s your first time wearing the brace, break it in.

Allow your body to get accustomed to the brace. Do this before wearing the brace outside.

  1. Avoid wearing the brace longer than the recommended hours.

Ask the provider how long you can wear the brace. Make sure you stick with the recommended hours to allow your lower extremities to recover.

  1. Do not take it off immediately after a strenuous physical activity.

Allow yourself to rest and let your muscles relax first before completely taking it off.

  1. Always check for signs of wear and tear.

If there are any, have them fixed right away in order to prevent injuries.

With these tips, you can make sure that knee braces will do their work in providing your body with comfort and support.

To know more About Burnaby Orthopaedic & Mastectomy please visit our website:

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Managing Arthritis Pain in the Feet

custom-orthoticsAs you get older, you become more susceptible to foot pain. Most people past their sixties suffer from arthritis in the feet. According to studies, many people might even experience this as early as in their 40s.

When osteoarthritis sets in, the cartilage found at the bottom of your big toe tends to degenerate. This causes bony spurs to grow, thereby causing pain. If you are looking for a way to manage the pain, you came to the right place. Here are the things you can do:

  1. Get custom orthotics in Vancouver.

Custom orthotics in Vancouver you can get from clinics such as Burnaby Orthopaedic& Mastectomy clinic help distribute weight evenly in your feet so the affected areas do not get the full impact. This will help in reducing pain and also in aligning deformed feet, which also happens as you get older.

  1. Use the right footwear.

It’s important to wear the right shoes when suffering from osteoarthritis to make sure that your feet are supported properly. You can go to a foot doctor to get proper recommendation on which footwear is the best.

  1. Use compression socks.

This is great in improving circulation as well as in reducing arthritis pain. You can wear this along with custom orthotics and the recommended footwear.

  1. Work your feet out.

You might think you need to stay away from physical activities because of the pain but exercising your lower extremities, particularly your feet, can help a lot. Just make sure you do the recommended exercises for arthritis and to use stretching exercises to help the Achilles tendons in your feet.

With these tips, you can greatly reduce pain in the feet caused by arthritis.

For more details please visit our website:

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Foot Care for Avid Travelers – Tips to Consider

custom-orthoticsPerhaps one of the downsides to traveling, seeing sights and visiting places is foot pain. Every traveler knows how important foot care is when traveling as you can easily injure yourself walking or you can easily get blisters from wearing the wrong shoes. Painful feet can get in the way of a memorable vacation.

Here are some foot care tips for avid travelers:

  1. Consider investing in the best foot accessories.

We’re not talking about knee rings and bracelets. We’re talking about orthotics in Vancouver and compression socks. These can all help provide comfort and ease up some of the pain caused by too much walking. You can have your feet fitted with Custom orthotics therapy in Vancouver from clinics such as Burnaby Orthopaedic& Mastectomy to get the right size of orthotics.

  1. Wear proper footwear.

Proper footwear is crucial when traveling. Make sure you choose shoes that offer support and comfort to your feet. Break your shoes in first before bringing it with you on your travels.

  1. Get regular massage and foot therapy.

It can help improve circulation in the lower extremities and reduce swelling you might have from walking all the time. Foot therapy is also a great way to support healing if your feet have injuries.

  1. Keep your feet warm.

Wear socks while traveling. Also soak your feet in warm water to help diminish swelling and pain and boost blood circulation.

Clean and groom your feet properly as well. There’s nothing like a pair of healthy and clean feet to ensure a problem-free travel.

For more details about Compression socks therapy in Vancouver please visit our website:

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4 Helpful Non-Surgical Treatments for Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis that plagues many people in this day and age. When the cartilage that acts as a cushion between your bones wear out, the bones will no longer have a buffer to keep them apart, thereby causing them to grind against each other and leading to unbearable pain to the sufferer.

Surgery is one way to treat this condition. However, not everyone is keen on going under the knife so here are some non-surgical methods osteoarthritis sufferers should consider trying:

  1. Knee braces

There is Knee braces treatment in Vancouver specifically created for osteoarthritis. It is an unloading type of knee brace where much of the pressure in the lateral area of the knees is reduced. This will, in turn, reduce pain in the area and can also help improve mobility and activity. Clinics such as Burnaby Orthopaedic offer Unloading Knee Braces, which can be bought custom or off-the-shelf.

  1. Doing water-based training or exercise.

Low-impact exercises such as aquatic exercises help strengthen the body and the knees without putting too much pressure on the affected area. This also helps build confidence according to experts in patients who are already worried about performing exercises.

  1. Taking chondroitin and glucosamine supplements.

Much has been said about the benefits of glucosamine and chondroitin when it comes to rebuilding damaged or lost cartilage. These two supplements should be combined to get the most benefits.

  1. Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

This type of omega fatty acid has anti-inflammatory benefits. It has been proven effective in minimizing the symptoms and pain associated with arthritis.

Many people have experienced great relief and improvement with these treatments at Custom Orthotics clinic in Vancouver. Give them a try if you want to manage your osteoarthritis.

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Ways Compression Socks Can Help You

Orthotics VancouverCompression socks are actually more than just a workout gear fad. It actually offers a cornucopia of benefits you shouldn’t miss out on. So if you don’t own a pair or two of compression socks in Vancouver just yet, this is the best time to buy it.

Here are some ways compression socks can help you:

  1. Recovery from injury progresses faster.

Wearing this can helps improve blood flow to your muscles, making way for faster repair and recovery?

  1. It helps improve your speed when running

Several studies conducted to test the benefits of compression socks on runner’s show that wearing this can improve running performance and speed.

  1. It helps prevent water retention in the legs.

It stops water from collecting in your legs, thereby preventing water retention and enhancing lower body comfort.

  1. It helps reduce muscle pain after working out.

When you work out, your body produces lactic acid that causes muscle pain and soreness. With the improved blood flow using compression socks, you should be able to reduce the amount of lactic acid your body produces.

  1. May help lessen the likelihood of varicose veins.

Varicose veins pop up because of poor blood circulation. They are unsightly and difficult to get rid of. With compression socks, you can support circulation that will eventually reduce the appearance of varicose veins.

There shouldn’t be anything stopping you from trying compression socks. Many athletes swear by them. They also make everyday life a lot more comfortable. If you want to improve the health of your feet more, ask the experts at Burnaby Orthopaedic and Mastectomy to learn about the various products that can help ease up foot pain.

For more details about Custom Orthotics in Vancouver BC please visit our website:

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